
Now, MemorizeYC has siblings.

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MYCGenerator For Our Daily Bread

MYCGenerator for Our Daily Bread

Media Dot Paper

Media Dot Paper

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This web site will lead you to know the details about this App. If you have any question, Email me.
Why do I want to write this App? Because I think that relations, speaking, listening and watching are good ways to remember things, this App will use these interactions to help you remember things. You are the owener of your study, so that you need to gather the datas you want to study by yourself. If you want to download some samples or want to get a clearer mental picture about this App, please read the Tutorial.
If you feel that this Windows APP is lack of example so that you don't know how to start, you can download them by following the tutorial of this tutorial page for Setting of Main Folder page. Have fun.

If you can, updating to Windows 10 will make your old devices work lik a new one. Faster, more stable and higher security. If you want to know more about Windows 10, please visit this Web Site. Excellent!

Windows 10 App » Web version's Demo


Windows 10 App

  • System: Windows 10.
  • Language: Both Speech Synthesizer and Speech Recognizer can be used as long as you have installed them. You can install them through Action Center All Settings Time & Language Region & Language.
  • Note: This App might crash or stock when Cortana cannot be used in your country/region. You can try to solve this problem by setting the country in Region & Language to be United State,and then add English as your default language.
    If Bing voice recognizer does not work, the problem might caused by the noise from your microphone. You can try to solve it by changing your microphone.

Windows App

  • System: Windows 8.1.
  • Language: the one installed through control panel can be used for synthesis.

Windows Phone App

  • System: Windows Phone 8.1 (check: settings about ).
  • Language: new language for synthesizer can be installed through settings language.

Scription of Coding

Hm. I had never touched the development of App and Web page until Aug. 2014. Although I once tried to write two blogs, I didn't know how to control them as I wanted. Thanks to Microsoft to provide such excellent environments for an apprentice like me. There are many resources, samples and now we even can publish web sites onto Azure freely so that people like me can have chance to test their thought and make them as reality. Therefore, you can see how an apprentice to write down his own App and a web site from without any concept. Although now I understand a truth that most of Apps at this moment are written for Apple and Android, I have learned a lot concepts from the writing of this App. Trust yourself, you will find you can understand more and more codes even they are not written in the languages you are familar to. As long as you keep trying to make your thought to be coded, you will make it. Therefore, this scription will show you my growth in this area and hope it can comfort you if you are as me who want to start to write an App even you have never tried to do so. God bless you.

Scription of Coding

Related Software or Websites

  • Anki: A very nice flashcard like software which can be run on many different platforms.
  • Memrise: An awesome web site to help you remember things efficiently.

Web's Demo

Now, you can try it on this web site directly although there are no speech synthesizer, speech recognizer, edit and design for forgetting Curve, etc. Its GitHub's repository is https://github.com/ychsue/MemorizeYC.Web and its demo is at Static. Have fun.